Thursday, April 22, 2004

"The gematric value of, "To Keri tou Abraxas"-The Hand of Abraxas = 2220, same as "Ego Alpha kai Omega", same as "Xpistophoros", Christbearer! 2220/365-Abraxas = 6.08219, scaled 1/1000 is extremely close to, "1 UK nautical Mile" of 6082.66 ft. according to the Dent Dictionary of Measurement. 6.08219 x 360-Probole',or Spatial projection = 2189, or "Ego Alpha Omega", see? Just a variation without the conjunctive, "and" or "kai"-31. Now comes the magical part,,,the upscaled version is 2,189,589 as in feet squared, of the value 1479.726 which is just a hair shy of 1480-"Xpistos", or Christ. The difference in the value of 1480 - 1479.726 is .27399 etc. whose inverse value is once again 3.64966 or basically, 365/100. It's "Fractal" you see?"
- from Mr Mailmut


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