Yesterday in town we walked past a parked car with the number plate BB-223-A. I pointed it out to the family: "check it out, BB, then the 22. And for a bonus, the 3-A is "3-1" or by my rules equivalent to "2-2". "
Of course, they all laughed and ribbed me.
But then the very next car parked in front of the first one had number plate BB-446. "Double the 22 you get 44", I noted. "How do you like that, BB-22, and BB-44, right next to each other".
"Why does the universe do stuff like that?" my son asked, shaking his head at his crazy father.
Then today driving to work I saw the car with numberplate BB-222-W, which, as followers of this site will recognise, is all 22, as W=V, V, or 22,22 as the 22nd letter.
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