The very next day I drove past the car with number plate: BB-022V. Which is even better, as a perfect triple 22!
Next night I saw the new Mercedes Benz ad on TV. It features a DalaiLama type figure driving in a Merc with number plate MER-22, and the slogan, "Be at one with the road". My website is, of course, "The Mer Files", so this plate caught my eye, to say the least.
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
Yesterday in town we walked past a parked car with the number plate BB-223-A. I pointed it out to the family: "check it out, BB, then the 22. And for a bonus, the 3-A is "3-1" or by my rules equivalent to "2-2". "
Of course, they all laughed and ribbed me.
But then the very next car parked in front of the first one had number plate BB-446. "Double the 22 you get 44", I noted. "How do you like that, BB-22, and BB-44, right next to each other".
"Why does the universe do stuff like that?" my son asked, shaking his head at his crazy father.
Then today driving to work I saw the car with numberplate BB-222-W, which, as followers of this site will recognise, is all 22, as W=V, V, or 22,22 as the 22nd letter.